Connect with multiple suppliers and request information in one quick and easy process. Serving sawmills, loggers, pallet operations and wood processors.
TimberEquipment Directory    PalletBoard    Classifieds     


1. Register as a ZIP Requester or as a Directory Advertiser to create your profile and save your contact information.
2. Create RFP(s) that describes your needs, requirements, budget, and questions.
3. Select the companies to which the RFP will be sent.
4. Send the RFP.
5. Update your profile information and RFP(s) as needed to keep the information current.
1. Register as a TimberEquipment Directory advertiser at or with your sales representative at 800/805-0263.
2. Review and respond to information requests as you receive them.

Frequently Asked Questions about ZIP

What is the ZIP system?
ZIP is a request for proposal/quote/information service offered by the publisher of Pallet Enterprise and TimberLine magazines. It helps connect buyers and sellers of forest products equipment, machinery and services. It replaces the Reader Service card system that was offered in the print edition of Pallet Enterprise. ZIP quickly and efficiently helps users research their next big purchase. Try it today - it's FREE.

Is the ZIP service really for free? What's the catch?
Yes, the ZIP service is free for anyone looking to query/research suppliers. This includes logging, sawmill, pallet and wood processing companies wanting to identify, research and contact industry suppliers. Existing Pallet Enterprise and/or TimberLine display advertisers are eligible to be listed as suppliers in the service for free. All others must purchase an online promotion package, which includes placement in the ZIP system. If you would like to appear in the ZIP system, call your sales representative toll free at 800/805-0263 to get started. There's no catch.

Is it hard to create a RFP?
No, just answer the questions on a simple form. Don't have time to complete it in one sitting? Save it as a draft and finish it later.

Are my RFPs saved after being sent?
Yes. The ZIP system is designed to be as user friendly and efficient as possible. All of your RFPs are kept until you delete them. You can even update an old RFP and send it out again. You only need to enter your contact information once - when you register; after that just update it as needed to keep the information current.

I am having a hard time using the system! What should I do?
Contact technical support at 800/805-0263 and ask for ZIP customer service. Or email .

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